AC’s – Future Counselors

In their last year prior to being eligible for Camp Greenbrier’s Leadership Academy, boys fifteen years old are given responsibilities at camp.  The AC’s or Assistant Counselors, often are in tents without a counselor, and they may be asked to stay with a tent full of younger boys at rest hour or after taps, while that tent’s counselor is off duty.

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All AC’s are given jobs around camp.  Some sort the mail and deliver it to the Mess Hall.  Others wash the camp vehicles or search for Lost and Found. Five AC’s work in the camp store, serving snacks to the younger boys twice daily.

The AC’s are taking the first step towards assuming leadership and responsibility, possibly becoming counselors in the future.

The Wren Family

Wren CollageThe newest members of the Camp Greenbrier family, is a whole household of Carolina Wrens.  They are not in a tent, but in a birdhouse on the top of the Old Bell pole outside the Mess Hall.

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